All cancelled flights by airline

Cancelled Flights because of APEC 2015
Cancelled Flights because of APEC 2015

All cancelled flights by airline – The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) has released a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) indicating a no-fly zone over the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) on November 18, 2015 (1:00PM – 11:00PM) and on November 19, 2015 (6:30AM – 6:30PM).​ There will be additional flight cancellations during this period. 

Travelers who have booked flights between from November 16, 2015 (Monday) and November 20, 2015 (Friday), may encounter that their flight(s) have been cancelled.

Here are all cancelled flights by airline

Air Asia Cancellations
Air Asia Flight Cancellations

Guests with cancelled flights will be given the following options:
1.Move Flight valid for 30 days,
2.Credit Shell valid for 90days, and
We will provide updates as soon as they are available. Guests will also receive SMS and E-mail notifications based on the contact information on their booking.

CEB Cancellations
Cebu Pacific Flight Cancellations

CEB is arranging the re-accommodation of affected guests on the soonest available flights. Passengers travelling from November 16, 2015 (Monday) to November 20, 2015 (Friday), may avail any of the following options without additional charges:
– Opt for full refund or travel fund; or
– Rebook their flights for travel within 30 days from original departure date.
Our reservation hotlines are currently receiving a high volume of calls. Guests who do not need to urgently travel on the affected dates are advised to call after November 20, 2015 (Friday).
Meanwhile, guests who are unable to show up for their flights between November 16 – 20, 2015, may avail themselves of a full refund or travel fund without penalties.

CebGo Cancellations
CebGo Flight Cancellations

Same options as Cebu Pacific Air above.
PAL Cancellations
Philippine Airlines Flight Cancellations
PAL assures affected passengers that their flights will be rescheduled and they will be informed of their new flight timings through e-mail, phone call or text. Passengers also have the option to rebook to the flight date of their choice within 30 days from their original schedule, with rebooking and penalty charges waived. The new flight schedule must fall within the ticket’s validity period. Refunding of tickets is also an option.

Please click either on the logo of your airline or click on the link under the logo. You will be redirected to the corresponding airline page.



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