Earthquakes and Active Volcanoes
The “Earthquakes” and “Active Volcanoes” pages are back.
While moving these pages from the old version of Silent Gardens to the new one, we encountered some problems. Adapting the graphics to responsive design hadn’t been that easy. But now it’s done.
Another problem had been the data quality from PHIVOLCS. The people at PHIVOLCS are extremely creative. Unfortunately they are also artists when it comes to data in computer systems. Depending on the operator they insert spaces or use even different coding. Our programs can read the style of operator A, but when op. B is keying the data, our program goes nuts because of the new format.
So we had to learn our program to distinguish the operators and try to understand them. We hope, they won’t hire operator C…
The earthquakes:
As soon as PHIVOLCS records and reports an earthquake in the Philippines, our database is automatically updated and the earthquake is displayed in our map. Since January 1, 2014 up to this moment we recorded 267 earthquakes. 235 quakes were weak (Magnitude less than 4), 32 quakes were medium (Magnitude between 4 an 6), and none was strong (Magnitude greater than 6). The earthquake page is here.
The volcanoes:
Currently we are monitoring Taal and Mayon volcanoes. The data is updated weekly until there would be an increase in activity. Then we would update daily or even more often. The active volcanoes are here. All other volcanoes are here.
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