Filipinos among ‘least rude’ people in the world

When newspapers and Internet companies have no news to publish, then they do surveys and analyze statistics. Skyscanner is a travel search site based in Edinburgh and Singapore. They recently published such a survey about rude countries for foreign tourists.

Read what they found –  World’s rudest nationalities:
1. French 19.2%
2. Russian 16.6%
3. British 10.4%
4. German 9.9%
5. Chinese 4.3%
6. American 3.3%
7. Spanish 3.1%
8. Italian 2.3%
9. Polish 2.2%
10. Turkish 2.1%  

The least rude are Brazilians followed by the Caribbean islands and the Filipinos. 

France is considered the world’s rudest nation followed by Russia and the United Kingdom. Oh là-là, la Grande Nation! Taking 19 percent of the vote, the French have long been known for their abrupt and curt nature, especially when dealing with foreign tourists, which has often been taken as rudeness by visitors. We at Silent gardens think that it is rather a language problem. The French still despise the English language. The language of their long-time neighbor, enemy and competitor. When French people speak English, you need an interpreter.

Russia got 17 percent. Russians can be more direct when talking, which may be misconstrued as being rude. However this is more a difference in culture than genuine rudeness. Russian language is not as polite as English. So when Russians translate directly from Russian to English, it can sound rude to an English speaker even if they don’t mean it to. Russians tend to consider British people extremely polite due to their courteous way of speaking.

And the Filipinos ?

Why are they considered to be among the least rude people?
It’s rather simple. Even when Pinoys are angry, they smile. Their anger usually isn’t expressed physically but verbally. And when they speak in heath, they speak in their local language, nearly no tourist understands.

When I tell you with a bright smile: “Ikaw ay ang pinaka-hangal na nakilala ko kailanman sa mundong ito”, then you feel happy and fine with me. But what I told you is: “You are the most stupid person I ever met in this world”.

So much about surveys and statistics. Whisper

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1 Response

  1. Dan says:

    Lol Filipinos are the MOST rude people in the world!

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