Need to get drunk?


Need to get drunk without becoming an alcoholic?

There are days like today. The ITCZ (see here Link) is moving northward and covers northern Mindanao and the southern and eastern Visayas with clouds. What a lazy day! Working? Sorry, no – Too wet. Reading, hmm, maybe. Surfing on the Internet? Why not…

A Japanese friend passed some pictures to me. They are coming from Brazil. And sorry, I got awfully drunk watching them…

If you have epileptic problems, please do not watch. 

And now, let’s get heavily drunk:


Need another drink?


Please do not exceed your limits. There will be a last one. If you can still watch this one for a minute, you will have to go back to Tanduay. Cheers


TeaseThere are more Tease here: HYPER NOVAS 

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