Number of Dengue cases decreases

Dengue Mosquito

The number of Dengue cases decreased by 60% in January 2012, the Department of Health (DOH) informed Thursday.

In their report, the DOH said there were 4,753 dengue cases reported in different sentinel hospitals nationwide from January 1 to February 4, 2012.  This is 60.54% lower compared to the same time period last year, when 12,044 cases were reported.

Most of the cases were reported from Central Luzon (33%), the National Capital Region (21%), and the Calabarzon region (16%).

 Dengue Risk

Dengue  Source: 
The Dengue virus is transmitted by an infected Aedes mosquito
Dengue  Prevention:
Protect against mosquito bites. Use insectizide to clean-up rooms, use mosquito nets to protect your bed
Dengue  Immunity:
There are 4 serotypes of Dengue virus, so immunity only occurs when you already had been infected by all 4 serotypes
Dengue First Aid:
Drink as much as possible and fight fever with PARACETAMOL. Avoid Aspirine and Ibuprofen should be avoided because these could aggravate bleeding. 

Dengue Mosquito

Read more about the “Big Five”: Malaria, Dengue, Cholera, Typhoid and Hepatitis and how to prevent Link

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