The Real Philippine Zombies

Do you want to experience Real Philippine Zombies?
The small community of Agoho on Camiguin island has a bone shattering experience for you: REAL ZOMBIES! This experience is available all year, but tomorrow night you may really loose consciousness in the middle of a grave yard. Why?
It started over a year ago. Sometimes in the evening, sometimes in the night but especially on Sunday an erratic and hammering sound could be heard from the cemetery in Agoho. We often saw an old man with a long white beard walking between the graves. He recently had been observed again on the cemetery and on the beach. We tried to take a picture, but he always vanishes on digital media. Strange …
This strange old man often has been seen walking between the graves accompanied by grieving younger ladies. He appears and disappears. Strange again …
Here are some recent impressions of the grave yard – go there tomorrow night … Beware, you may encounter many strange people, the old guy included.
Before you loose your soul, be careful. The way down to the cemetery is really dangerous. Because if it rains, you’ll swim in a torrent together with the bones. Bones? Yes, mostly chicken bones left over together with plastic bags. These are the remains of the snacks offered after the funerals. Of course human funerals, not chicken funerals … Hahaha!
These 3 left already a year ago. The top one is still too fresh.
Sideward escape – had been in a hurry …
Recently escaped! Be careful when walking in the night, you might get an infection.
Upstairs and downstairs nature did reconquer the space.
The new squatters. These spiders are wonderful and absolutely not offensives. We like much less the hundred thousands of homeless centipedes and worms that are now walking all over barrio Lower Banlas.
The grave yard with its zombies and its old white bearded gate keeper isn’t the only attraction of Agoho. There is also a ghost resort. Formerly known and found on the top in the Trip Advisor charts as “Camiguin Action Geckos“. Since August it is occupied by smoke making monsters. Sometimes one can hear distorted howling noises from over there.
Come tomorrow night to meet the Agoho Zombies on famous Camiguin Island. Next year it might be too late for you! Hahaha…
The barangay of Agoho and the municipality of Mambajao might clean up as promised. Maybe the former tourism zone with the most beautiful beach in Camiguin will be reanimated. Otherwise the authorities should adopt the term of Camiguin Zombie Zone CZZ Hahaha…
Enjoy Halloween – hahaha…
Even long after Halloween season I enjoyed reading this chapter as much as all your other comments, news, informations. Great stuff, congratulations!
Sigue na
Best regards from Germany
Thanks for the flowers 🙂
Cheers, waebi