Severe Tropical Storm NURI / Paeng

Weather 2014-11-01

Severe Tropical Storm NURI / Paeng is intensifying rapidly while turning northwest to north. The satellite clearly show the begin of the spinning winds. NURI / Paeng is expected to get typhoon strength around 3 a.m. tonight.

Weather 2014-11-01

Severe Tropical Storm NURI / Paeng is really near. The center is about 900 km east of Virac, Catanduanes. The south-western trough (green arrow) is still south of Mindanao but will move north together with NURI / Paeng. This will bring cloudy and rainy weather late tomorrow and Monday. There are no warnings for the Philippines. NURI / Paeng is expected to get typhoon strength when passing over very warm sea-surface temperatures (higher than 28°C).

NURI/Paeng Storm data:

Name (INTL. / local): NURI / Paeng
Class: Severe Tropical Storm
Time/Date of observation: 07:30 PM on November 1, 2014
Location of Center: 13.6º North 133.4º East
Moving Direction and Speed: North-Northwest @ 16 km/h
Moving towards: North Philippine Sea
Distance from the Philippines: 900 km E of Catanduanes
Estimated Date / Time of Landfall: n/a
Max. Wind Speed near Center: 95 km/h
Peak Wind Gusts: 120 km/h
Minimum Central Pressure: 980 hPa
Diameter: n/a
24h Rainfall near Center: 100 to 400 mm
Max. Wave Height: 6 – 8 m
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 Nearly real-time storm information



We keep an eye on this storm and will inform twice daily around 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Philippines Standard Time).

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