Tagged: Arno Enzerink

Agoho Beach 0

Camiguin Diving – it’s a small world

Today I received a rare photo from friends diving in Camiguin: A Dragon faced Pipe Fish. Camiguin Diving is for lovers.  Picture copyright by <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=/codeblueboracay.sangkalikasan?fref=photo&_fb_noscript=1″ />Sangkalikasan Reefbuddies – A Yza Lagahit – Camiguin Diving Camiguin...

Trigger Fish 4

iPad – no, PADI

I do not have an iPad, but since yesterday I have my PADI Open Water. I had been snorkeling since I had been 12 years old. It’s always been funny, but the summer season in...

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