Tagged: Oregon Scientific LW301

singing in the rain 1

A rainy day

A rainy day does not yet make a rainy season. As predicted yesterday a weak Low Pressure Area (LPA) reached the southern Philippines today. However a rainy day does not announce the usual 8...


Inside the LW301

Yesterday I wrote about my hunt with the Wireshark to discover the secrets of the Oregon Scientific LW301 weather station. I got somehow stuck by  the behavior of this little bugger. Chatting UDP and...

Shark-hunt 11

Shark hunt on LW301

Shark hunt? As a passionate diver, shark hunt is an absolute “no-go” for me. But as a networker I love to go hunting with a shark – with the Wireshark. Wireshark is one of the...

Oregon Scientific Anywhere Weather Kit (LW301) 12

Oregon Scientific LW301 – what a scrap

We purchased and installed an Oregon Scientific LW301 weather station to provide you with live weather information from Camiguin. We profoundly regret our acquisition! This weather station and the associated software are scrap! The screen...

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