Pacman in Cagayan de Oro

Play Pacman in Cagayan de Oro. No, it’s not an April fool and no, it’s not Manny Pacquiao. It’s the good old Pacman game. Google maps lets you play pacman in almost any city.

I am using Google maps several times per day. This evening I got a bit astonished when I checked something in Cagayan de Oro. In the left lower corner of Google maps I not only saw the usual Google Earth icon but a strange icon looking like the well known old “Pacman” game. When I moved over the icon, another one in the center of the screen appeared saying “READY!”

Pacman on Google maps
Click on the picture to enlarge

The only condition for the game is to find enough streets on the map. For all Camiguin lovers, Mambajao is too small. Then click on the Pacman icon.

Pacman on Google maps

Click on the picture to enlarge

As in the good old days, you control Pacman with the cursor keys (the arrows on the keyboard). It’s really funny to hunt over the Divisoria, turn at the Xavier university and get out of the screen on the right side to re-enter on the left side. The real good old Pacman feeling.

Wanna play?

Wanna play Pacman in Cagayan de Oro?,124.6455636,17z?hl=en

You can play anywhere, only condition is to have enough roads and streets.

Enjoy and have fun.



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