Tagged: weather

Weather 2014-01-10: Wet weekend ahead 0

Wet weekend ahead

A weak low pressure area (LPA) is moving towards south-eastern Mindanao. It will enhance the rainfall the southern islands encountered already during the whole week. This weather is normal for the current season. Cold...

Weather 2013-07-27 0

Developing Low Pressure Area in South-East

A low pressure area (LPA) near Davao City in the south-east of the Philippines may intensify into a cyclone in the next 24 hours. Heavy rains may trigger flash floods and landslides in parts...

Batangas Weather sample 1

Frustrating weather

No, no, weather had been sunny and friendly today in Camiguin. We had lunch at Casa Rocca with Evelyn and Jim, Gwen and Rob. Everything had been really fine. I am speaking of weather...

Weather 2013-01-16 0

Don’t go south for now – bad weather

The southern Visayas and northern Mindanao suffer ugly winter weather. A stationary cold front over the Pacific in conjunction with the Amihan (north-east monsoon) brings cool and very wet conditions. After near continuous bad...

Bohol - where? 0

Depression – what depression – tropical depression

The Low Pressure Area (LPA) 92W is now a Tropical Depression. Here in Camiguin we had strong rains all the day and they continue. There is a big danger of flash-floods and landslides in...

Weather 2013-01-02 0

The first clouds of the LPA have reached Mindanao

The low pressure area (LPA) 92W is quickly moving towards Mindanao and the southern Visayas. The first batch of heavy rain clouds has reached Mindanao this morning. The nasty weather will last for about...

update weather 2012-05-31 0

Weather gets ugly (update 06:00 PM)

Report from Typhoon2000.ph: The strong Low Pressure Area (95W/1006 MB) continues to consolidate while over the Philippine Sea, east of Northern Samar and is likely to develop into a Tropical Depression within the next 12 to 24...

Weather-2012-03-07 0

Summer is approaching

Weather to get even hotter. Tuesday afternoon, PAGASA noted temperatures in Metro Manila rose to 34.4 degrees Celsius. While people in Manila sweat and seek air-conditioned places, the easterlies or winds from the east...

Weather-2012-03-04 0

PAGASA warns of Flash Floods and Landslides

While 34°C weather will continue to prevail over Metro Manila, flash floods and landslides threaten parts of Eastern Visayas and Mindanao due to the easterlies, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)...

Weather-2012-02-06 0

PAGASA publishes flood warning

The very rainy weather of the last 2 days brought a lot of water to the southern Visayas and northern Mindanao. This rainy weather will persist for some more days. This is why PAGASA...

Washi - Dogs 0

News Ticker: Rainy and gray, that’s all

Nothing special to report. It slightly rains from a uniform gray sky. Landfall is postponed to 3:00 PM this afternoon. We now have a coffee break. Situation at 14:00  Temperature: 26.8°C Humidity: 86% Pressure:...

Washi - White Island 0

News Ticker: Quiet

After having “saved” the Lady Julia, our workers went home to secure their own houses. We do not expect a heavy storm but strong rainfall. So, everything has to be removed from the floor...

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