facebook is highly addictive

facebook is highly addictive

facebook is highly addictive – I felt it myself

Yesterday evening I hit the final button and encountered again lies and menaces. This I show you later. Worse had been getting up this morning. something was missing.

[Update:] Never write an article when you are upset! When I wrote “facebook is highly addictive” I had really been upset by these snobs from facebook. Now I calmed down a little bit and did correct the typos.

Worse than cigarettes – facebook !

About a year ago I stopped smoking after having been a heavily addict (up to 3 packs per day) during 45 years. The first two days had been difficult and I smoked maybe 4 or 5 cigarettes. The third day, I gave away all my cigarettes. Since then I am clean.

This morning after getting up, I made my first espresso coffee and took my smartphone. It looked somehow naked. Two logos weren’t there anymore.

facebook logo 45 years of smoking were rather easy to abandon. 9 years of facebook looks much harder. Be aware of this. But I am a guy who has guts – so I will do it again. This time it might hurt. Not the balls but Zuckerberg. messenger logo

facebook is highly addictive

And then my wife came out of the kitchen with a wonderful fruitsalad from fresh fruits from our garden and home made Yoghurt. She started: “Hey revolutionary, have you seen, my sister will come over end of August.” The lovely part of our small family calls me all names. Today I felt rather good, I still admire Uncle Ho. And no, I didn’t get the message, because it came over one of Zuckerberg’s networks. I am off – haha.

During the day I had already some nice chats using Skype, SMS and visits. I get much support from friends, except one. If you agree with me, share this and yesterday’s article with your friends. You cannot do so on facebook. Just copy this links
and share it by mai, SMS, Skype and more. Be careful with Whatsapp, it belongs also to Zuckerberg. The current article is here:

facebook menaces and lies

Yesterday evening, when I went through the delection process of my facebook account, I saw this:

facebook is highly adictive

Yellow highlight by myself. Then came this:

facebook is highly adictive

I happily hit the OK button.

About 5 minutes later I got this e-mail from facebook:

Hi Renato,

We have received a request to permanently delete your account. Your account has been deactivated from the site and will be permanently deleted within 14 days.
If you did not request to permanently delete your account, please login to Facebook to cancel this request:
The Facebook Team

What now? Surely no return befor 2022.

Are you a facebook addict?

Check yourself. Can you stay a week without facebook or not even a day? Have you had a facebook account and have it deleted?
Or are you feeling that I do facebook bashing?

Your comments are welcome.
Greetings from a former facebook adict.

If you want to become free:
If you agree with me, share this and yesterday’s article with your friends. You cannot do so on facebook. They have already installed a filter. Just copy the address on top in your browser and spread it by mail, SMS, Skype and more. Be careful with Whatsapp, it belongs also to Zuckerberg.


Thanks to the press


In the first line had been the British press. Thanks to the “GUARDIAN” who merits its name. Later came some American newspapers and of course the TV channels. I do not trust them.  The best coverage on continental Europe had been provided by the German “DER SPIEGEL“. From the “SPIEGEL” I also did copy the header picture and slightly modified it.

Latest News – facebook is highly addictive

“Lifetime Imperator” this is  what Yale-Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld thinks about Mr. Zuckerberg. Only the facebook internal cult around the CEO Mark Zuckerberg made this monstrouous data leak possible. Yale-Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld thinks that this discovery might destroy the facebook business model.

Tomorrow maybe

Tomorrow, I’ll show you the point of my iceberg. I am sure that I did get only about 50% of my data stored with facebook had been returned.
I don’t want to destroy facebook, I want to make it honest.


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