Tagged: kiteboarding

Camiguin, not Boracay 1

Not Boracay – this is Camiguin, the real thing

This is Camiguin! The little island in the southern Bohol Sea is slowly but steadily developing. While Boracay suffers from mass tourism, Camiguin attracts people who like the real things.  Camiguin for kite boarders The white...

Amihan - Norh-Est Monsoon 0

Full Power Amihan now!

Amihan, the fresh north-east monsoon is now blowing at full strength. Embedded within this strong air-stram is a cold front. This front is marked by the cloud band starting between the Philippines and Taiwan...

Great Kite Weather in Boracay 0

Great Kite Weather in Boracay

Yesterday and today there was great kite weather in Boracay. We counted over 100 kites simultaneously in the sky. Winnie raced all over the beach on his mountain bike to give instructions and check...

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