Sorry for the silence

CAMTECO Internet Disaster

We are really sorry for having interrupted our series “East Mindanao Discovery Trip” for such a long time. The problem has been and still is with our Internet Service Provider “CAMTECO”.

The picture below shows last week’s availibility of Internet in our place. CAMTECO, our local telephone company, gives these lousy service the great name of “Broadband Internet Access”.  This “Maybe-Internet” access costs over 1,200 pesos per month. The highest speeds we ever measured were 3.1 Mbps downstram and 0.8 Mbps upstream.

CAMTECO Internet Disaster


The standard speeds look like this:


Measured at 4:00 p.m. on 08/24/2015

But it’s not only CAMTECO who interrupts and badly transmits. To protect our equipment against high and low voltage, we’ve installed “Power On Delay” devices, known as PODs. When voltage goes below 190 Volts or exceeds 260 Volts, this device shuts down power supply and waits between 3 and 4 minutes before switching on again. CAMELCO delivers anything, sold as electric supply. Frequencies change between 56 and 62 Hertz. Voltage goes from 180 to 313 Volts.


This post needed about 5 hours from writing to being published. We used SMARTbro instead of CAMTECO.
Friends near Mambajao use an LTE pocket WiFi. We’ll test this device one of the next days. Maybe this LTE connection might allow us to publish again. Maybe … IMFITP*

(*) It’s More Fun In The Philippines


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1 Response

  1. We occasionally have the same breaks in our coverage through not necessarily our fault but network problems to the FR24 server. There are three receivers in the same general area as you. RPML1 RPML2 and RPML3. Which one are you?

    I wish you well with the Globe stick.


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