Bad weather = a programming bug

The weather here in Camiguin is still bad – no it got worse. So I thought to have a look at our new weather page to see what the forecast says and to have a look at the clouds movie.
I got a bit troubled because the clouds movie showed nothing over our island. I then checked the dates of the pictures and found that they still were from January 14 and 15.
What had happened?
After some research I found that the hoster of our website had changed some configuration details. We were not able anymore to receive the weather data from OpenWeatherMap and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).
You should have heard me shouting! I did it like him…
Anthropithecus! Bashi-bazouks! Colocynths! Dunderheaded coconuts! Fourlegged Cyrano! Millions and billions of blue blistering barnacles! and much more.
Well, I have found a work-around and since noon (UTC+8) the weather information is again up to date. Hmm, not completely! The pictures in the clouds movies are still jumpy, because the movie is built from the last 24 hours’ pictures. At this very moment only 7 of the 24 pictures are up to date. But by tomorrow noon, everything should be OK.
I would like to thank the guys who created Stack Overflow. The work-around I found on their website.
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