Tagged: Butuan

5J Butuan 1

Airbus in the mud

Saturday morning an Airbus A319 of Cebu Pacific Air got stuck in mud at the edge of the runaway at the Butuan Bancasi Airport (BXU/RPME). Flight 5J-220 failed to take off because its front...

Cool Red Horse 0

Weather is slowly getting better

The “INQUIRER” published an interesting overview of the  Tropical Depression LINGLING/Agaton. Here is an excerpt, a link to the full article is at the end. Extreme or unusual weather is the new normal; there is...

Balingasag-2014-01-20 0

North-East Mindanao flooded

It rained all day on our little lovely island of Camiguin. Camiguin lays some 15 km north of Mindanao. We wondered how the weather was over in Mindanao.  This evening came the shocking messages....

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