Tropical Storm WUKONG / Quinta moving towards Calamian Islands

Wukong-Quinta 2012-12-26

Tropical Storm WUKONG / Quinta passaed is now out in the Sulu Sea and moving  towards the Calamian Islands at 22 km/h.

The storm has maintained its strength and may even get stronger again over water. This afternoon the positioning of the storm had been a bit confusing. It is not so easy to determine the center of an unorganized tropical storm. 

Wukong-Quinta 2012-12-26

All agencies forecast a western direction. 

Wukong-Quinta 2012-12-26

The JMA track is slightly more south. The storm might touch the northern end of Palawan.

Storm data:

Name (INTL. / local): WUKONG / Quinta
Class: Tropical Storm
Time/Date of observation: 06:00 PM on December 26, 2012
Location of Center: 11.7º North 121.0º East
Moving Direction and Speed: West @ 22 km/h = 13 mph
Moving towards: Calamian Islands
Distance from the Philippines: inside
Estimated Date / Time of Landfall: n/a
Max. Wind Speed near Center: 65 km/h
Peak Wind Gusts: 85 km/h
Minimum Central Pressure: 996 hPa
Diameter: 445 km
24h Rainfall near Center: 210 mm
Max. Wave Height: 4 m = 14 ft
Here you find how to read and understand this data Link

 Current weather is here Link

We are traveling. This is why we may not be able to follow the storm tomorrow.

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