2GO – the new brand of ATS Consolidated Inc.

2GO Group Inc. is the new name of ATS Consolidated Inc.
SUPERFERRY and Negros Navigation passenger vessels will soon be a thing of the past, as ATS Consolidated unveiled its new corporate rebranding, 2GO Travel.
Sulficio Tagud Jr., ATS chief executive officer, said that following the approval of the company’s principal stockholder, Negros Navigation Co. (NENACO), ATS has decided to change the name of the operating company into 2GO Group Inc.
“ATS is more than just a shipping company and we wanted a new identity that will unify ATS’s brands across all products and services,” he said.
Stephen Rey Tagud, ATS Consolidated Inc. EVP/chief commercial officer, earlier said “there are passengers who are very loyal to Superferry and there are those who wanted Negros Navigation. We want to make the people feel that we are now under one company and so we have the rebranding.”
2GO Travel booking site is here
Negros Navigation, SuperFerry, as well as SuperCat, and Cebu Ferries are now named 2GO Travel.
2GO Travel, integrating the country’s leading passenger ships and fast ferries, offers the biggest fleet and the widest choice of routes linking Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.
“All these changes reflect an important redirection for ATS — towards becoming a world-class transport, logistics, and supply chain company,” said Tagud Jr.
The company has 23 vessels –– eight are passenger/cargo ships with an average capacity of 2,000 passengers; three are under the brand Cebu Ferries with 1,000-passenger average capacity, seven fast craft under Supercat with 200-passenger capacity and 5 purely cargo vessels.
The company has retained the brand 2GO to represent its entire range of service offerings. The two other core business units are 2GO Freight and 2GO Supply Chain Management.
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