Bicol Express soon to Legazpi


The Philippine National Railways (PNR) informed that they will fully put in operation the Bicol Express lineup to Legazpi City in Albay by the middle of the year.

After the PNR launched trips going to Naga City in Camarines Sur and recently up to Guinobatan town, the Bicol Express will soon transport passengers to Daraga town and Legazpi City once the Travesia bridge in Guinobatan town is finished. 

 Bicol Express Travesia Bridge in GuinobatanPosition of the Travesia bridge in Guinobatan

Travesia bridge in Guinobatan Travesia bridge in Guinobatan

The existing log ban delayed the local procurement of wooden ties for the Travesia bridge. As soon as Travesia bridge is passable, the trips going to Legazpi City will be launched.

The Legazpi bound trips, which will pick up and drop off passengers in Lucena, Hondagua, Naga, Pili, Iriga, Albay, Polangui, and Ligao, are expected to increase the number of passengers of the Bicol Express, which has reached an average of 6,000 per month with the Naga bound trips alone. 

Starting this week, the PNR will have daily trips to Naga City leaving the Tutuban station in Manila at 6:30 p.m. and Guinobatan-bound trips leaving at 8:30 p.m. Both trips last 10 hours and are on promotional fare rates.

Fare rates are PHP 2.30 per kilometer but fares are discounted by 30% since the Bicol Express launched trips to Naga City last June.

For the Naga bound trips, travelers on reclining tourist seats are being charged PHP 300 instead of PHP 605 while patrons of sleeper coaches will be charged PHP 500 per berth instead of PHP 950. Each family sleeper cabin has at least four berths (or beds) that offer more comfortable accommodation to train passengers instead of the conventional reclining seats. 

For the Legazpi bound trips, passengers have the option to take the Mayon Limited De Luxe service, which leaves every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or the Mayon Limited Ordinary, which runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. 

One-way fare for the Mayon Limited De Luxe is priced at PHP 716 for Naga and PHP 768 for Ligao while for the Mayon Limited Ordinary ticket is priced at PHP 416 for Naga and PHP 491 for Ligao. The Mayon Limited De Luxe boasts of executive reclining seats similar to first-class airplane seats while the Mayon Limited Ordinary appeals to budget-tight passengers with its electric fan-ventilated non-reclining seats. 

See also our Bicol Express page Link 

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