Camiguin Weather – #2 – HAGUPIT/Ruby

Agoho where else

When there is bad weather in Camiguin or even a Typhoon in the Philippines, we have our special lunch and/or dinner. This is why our update of Camiguin Weather is a bit late. Those who understand F.I.G.U.G.E.G.L. understand why.

The general situation

Agoho, Camiguin

Our weather station is on the beach in Agoho, some 5 kilometers north of Mambajao.

Camiguin Weather – overview

Agoho, Camiguin

Comment: Not too bad at all. The wind got much weaker and the sun has disappeared. No rain!

Camiguin Weather – wind speed

Agoho, Camiguin
Just a slight breeze from the sea. Not more, not less.

Camiguin Weather –  atmospheric pressure

Agoho, Camiguin
The pressure is slightly decreasing.

The reason for the delay = F.I.G.U.G.E.G.L.


You see, weather is good and we enjoyed a fondue as we always do when there is a typhoon.

Next Camiguin Weather update around 4 p.m.


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