Noynoying in Wikipedia

Noynoy - the thinking president

It’s interesting to see how citizen’s movements gain access to the Internet and use it to tell a president that they are not happy. This remembers a bit the EDSA revolution by text messages (SMS).

Benigno Aquino III tried to become popular in signing his messages to the people using the nick-name P-Noy. Pinoy is the way Filipinos are calling themselves. 

Unfortunately it seems that Benigno Aquino III is the thinking president but not the acting president. “Je pense – donc je suis.” That had been Rousseau, but not P-Noy.

 Noynoy - the thinking president

Noynoying  is a protest gimmick in the form of neologism which critics of Philippine President Benigno Aquino III have used to question his work ethic, alleging inaction on Aquino’s part on the issues of disaster response and of rising oil prices. A play on the term planking and Aquino’s nickname, “Noynoy”, Noynoying involves posing in a lazy manner, such as sitting idly while resting their heads on one hand and doing nothing.

We recommend to read the Wikipedia article.Link


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