The blog is dead – long lives the blog

Our old blog lived 4 years and 11 months. Then it became too fat. Our hosters kicked us out. So we had to look for another software, install it, test it and configure it.

This is the first result. We think that we’ll have to work on the layout and the different plug-ins and widgets. Your comments are welcome.

Our thanks go to:

  • Uli, who is not only an excellent diver but also a WP master and motivated our crew to attack the work
  • Michèle, who cheered our old blog and gently pushed us to give it a new life
  • Ierene, who is moving the old content one by one to the new environment
  • And last but not least all the 140,175 visitors who had read our old blog and wrote comments

There is a lot of work ahead – we’ll do it. {#wink}

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3 Responses

  1. Jürg Weber says:

    Hi René and all – great that you are back again! Missed your informative blog – thanks and keep up with the good work.

    Regards Juerg

    • waebi says:

      Thank you Juerg. We also missed our blog. We’ll see you around New Year in Panay.

      Best regards from Camiguin

  2. Jonuni Vil Daly says:

    I am very glad you are back on line René, I miss all the news from Camiguin – my family are Villadores at Lower Banlas but I am still in Ireland. My wife is Unila (Inday) and her employer is Mr Luis at Morning Glory. Take care and hopeto see you Camiguin soon for some San Migs 🙂 John

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