Trembling Philippines – today we recorded the 3000th Earthquake 2016

Trembling Philippines - Earthquakes 2016

Trembling Philippines! Not only the PNR trains are shaking but also the whole underground. Already 3000 earthquakes this year.

This afternnon at 4:44 p.m. we recorded the 3000th earthquake in the Philippines this year. I happened 30km northwest of San Fernando, La Union. It had been weak with a magnitude of 2.6.

This year 2773 quakes were weak (Magnitude less than 4), 222 quakes were medium (Magnitude between 4 an 6), 5 quakes were strong so far (Magnitude greater than 6). The Philippines are known to sit on the Pacific ring of fire. Multiple tectonic plates are crashing into each-other in our underground.

In spite of the fact that we encountered more earthquakes this year than in the years before, most of the quakes were of low Magnitude. The map of the most severe earthquakes show their accumulation far in the south.

Trembling Philippines – the strongest quakes

 – Trembling Philippines - Philippines Earthquakes 2016The dynamic and daily updated maps are here.

Mindanao got its share of earthquakes this year. The most important ones where the earthquake near the Zamboanga peninsula and the heavy swarm of earthquakes around Mati in Davao occidental. While the Zamboanga earthquake caused some destruction, the Mati swarm of earthquakes did not cause substantial damages.

Trembling Philippines – the statistics

Philippines - Earthquakes 2016The dynamic and daily updated maps are here.

Four (4) regions encountered more and in southern Mindanao stronger earthquakes.

  1. The western coast of central and northern Luzon. Only a few quakes were over Magnitude 4 therefore we got no reports of severe damages. But underground, geological structures shifted.
  2. Western Negros and Bohol are still trembling. Especially Bohol shows a clear upward movement which inreases the size of the island and makes many beaches larger.
  3. Leyte and northern Surigao shook almost every day. Especially around Surigao City and Dinagat island we registered several Magnitude 4+ quakes.
  4. The south-east of Mindanao trembled almost all over the year. Mati and the Governor Generoso peninsula encountered days with over 20 quakes in 24 hours.

Trembling Philippines – the conclusion

Allthough we encountered more than 9 earthquakes per day, there had been, up to now,  no destroying or devastating quake in 2016.  The average magnitude decreased to 2.8. The average depth of the focus was deep with 33 km.

“Shaken, not stirred!” let’s hope that 007’s preferred receipt stays with us. Cheers! 🙂


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