2011 Typhoons in the Philippines

2011 Typhoons

We have finished the 2011 Typhoons page and prepared the 2012 page.

Last year 7 typhoons and tropical storms hit the Philippines. Not strong winds but heavy rains killed lots of people and created big losses.

The worst storm had been the last one, Washi/Sendong. It has caused at least 1,257 fatalities, and 1,079 people are officially listed as missing. At least 9,433 houses were destroyed while 18,616 were damaged.

2011 Typhoons

The strongest storm, Songda/Chedeng missed the Philippines by only a few miles. But Okinawa and later Miyagi got the full impact of this super typhoon with wind-speeds up to 195 km/h or 120 mph. The lowest pressure had been 920 hPa (mbar).

The 2011 typhoons are hereĀ Link
The 2012 typhoons will be hereĀ Link

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