2GO – why not?

2GO is a rather new brand in the Philippines. 2GO Group Inc. is the new name of ATS Consolidated Inc. 2GO Travel, combines together the passage services formerly Negros Navigation, SuperFerry, SuperCat and Cebu Ferries.

This is all OK and we agree that the new website of 2GO Travel is one of the best websites found in the Philippines. If you want to travel by ferry, then look for 2Go Travel.

The guys at 2GO Travel did not consult on-line marketing specialists known as SEO specialists. We get everyday about 50 inquiries belonging to “Superferry“, “Negros Navigation” and “Cebu Ferries“.

We very much like the new website that allows to know routes, schedules and rates of most of the Philippines’ ferries and to book on-line.

Why didn’t they pass the integration of  “Superferry”, “Negros Navigation” and “Cebu Ferries” into 2GO to the web-community?

Well, we do it here and now! Silent Gardens is the starting point for on-line marketing in the Philippines. Silent Gardens supports 2GO on a non-commercial base. Silent Gardens and 2GO are not linked in any way.

For  Superferry please consult  2GO Travel
For  Negros Navigation please consult  2GO Travel
For  Cebu Ferries please consult 2GO Travel 

Look for 2GO Travel if you need to travel by ferry.
Look for Silent Gardens if you want to market your brand. 


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1 Response

  1. April 30, 2012

    […] We recently informed our readers about the mergers and the new common brand and Internet portal of 2GO Travel. See here: 2GO – why not?  […]

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