Air Ambulance – not in the Philippines

RFDS Pilatus PC-12

Last Friday we had a medical emergency here in Camiguin and needed immediately an Air Ambulance. No problem I thought, because 8 out of 11 listed air charter companies offer “Air Ambulance”, “Patient Transport”, and “MedEvac”. So we contacted all these “Air Ambulance”  companies even those who fly illegally (without AOC and other needed certificates).

The result had been awful!

1 Charter / MedEvac did all they could for us but had no plane available. They called us back next morning. Too late.
1 company said yes, but wanted PHP 600,000 in advance, before they take off. How do you do a fast money transfer in the Philippines?
6 companies had either the housemaid on the phone or passed us from one number to the other without any competent staff


When you live or travel in the Philippines you must be aware that outside of the Mega-Cities, you do not find convenient medical support. A friend wrote me, if you leave the big cities and do have the guts, then take a sharp knife with you, so you can cut out your appendix yourself.

RFDS Pilatus PC-12
A Pilatus PC12 from the Royal Flying Doctors Service in Australia. This will remain a dream for the Philippines still for a long time, but there is hope.


An hour ago we received the information that a group is building now a real Air Ambulance service. They should start within a few months with a King Air 90 and several helicopters. The King Air 90 is fast enough to reach  any point in the Philippines within less than 2 hours.


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