Bicol Express : Tech-Movie

Bicol Express : Tech-Movie

Bicol Express : Tech-Movie needed much more time to be published. Sorry for the delay and thank you for waiting.

Last year in November I published the first movie: Bicol Express – The Movie. In the article I promised a second movie, showing how they turn the train in Legazpi. And then time went on at light speed. I got several comments in different medias. I also got emails asking when I’d publish the second movie.

Then my computer crashed and there was no more movie. I always do backups, but the movie could not be found on any backup media. Finally I found the little USB stick with the raw movie.

Next problem: The raw movie was much too long and needed to be cut and shaped. Unfortunately the new computer runs under Windows 10. There is no more Windows Movie Maker with Windows 10. Even after downloading the 2012 version of Windows Essentials, the Movie Maker didn’t work.

Fortunately I still have an older computer running under Windows 7. There I could install Windows Movie Maker. It took me hours to fix the movie. The old computer is so slow and has too low memory. The Movie Maker crashed about 20 times until I could produce a fairly acceptable video.

Last big problem: Internet on a little Island in the Philippines! I needed more than 3 hours to upload the video to YouTube. I had to switch between lousy SMARTbro and lousier PLDT. It’s done! Here it is:

Bicol Express : Tech-Movie

I strongly recommend to turn on the sound. It’s not that noisy, but the whistle signals are unique. As anywhere in the world, the railwaymen communicate with whistle signals. Whistles are cheap and work under any conditions. They need no high-tech infrastructure and they never do have an empty battery. It’s not nostalgia, it’s adapted technology.


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