Bus fares in the Philippines

Bus fares in the Philippines – how to calculate? Almost every day we get inquiries asking for the cheapest bus fares from A to B. The big problem are the bus companies.They don’t publish neither fares nor schedules.
Today, being a rainy day, we attacked the problem of “Bus fares in the Philippines”. We have updated our bus page and explain how to calculate.
And the best is to come! We’ve also developed an online trip cost and trip duration calculator. It is now in beta test with some friends. If the tests are successful, we’ll publish this new tool next week. There are still some challenges with the Philippines geography: a lot of islands (about 7107) and a lot of mountains.
One thing is impossible to include: The road conditions. There is unfortunately no real-time information available and road conditions can change very fast. A landslide can damage or even interrupt a road. This wouldn’t affect the bus fares, but increase the trip duration towards infinity.
The same problem hits when it comes to traffic congestion. The daily traffic jams we could catch, but the sudden bottlenecks can not be forecast.
Try our new bus page and come back next week when we hope to release the online “Bus fares in the Philippines” calculator.
Have a nice weekend.
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