Mid-Sea Express continues to fly to Camiguin


This morning we were very happy to hear the familiar sound of the Mid-Sea Express Jetstream 32 in our sky.

After the Aviatour accident on Sunday we feared that either Mid-Sea Express would suspend their flights or that CAAP would close Camiguin’s airport CGM / RPMH.

They didn’t!

Check them outĀ Link


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2 Responses

  1. MHG says:

    Maybe CAAP has more important “construction sites” at this time …
    But I suspect they will take a closer look at AviatourĀ“s practices.
    Not very likely they would close Camiguin airport because the accident happened obviously not due to any flaws of the airport itself …

    • waebi says:

      @ Juergen: It’s true, this accident seems not to have happened because of the airport.
      But when you enlarge the photo of the final approach, you see that the runway threshold of RWY 25 is covered with mud.
      About 200 to 300 feet are not usable and the visual aid is not visible. That had been a year ago but the mud is still there.

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