How not to do it – MidSea Express still grounded!



On May 30, MidSea-Express (MSE) announced the cancellation of all flights from June 1 to June 4 because of operational reasons – what ever this might mean. See also here Link

On June 4 MSE annonced that the interruption will last until June 6. 

On June 6 they informed their partners that flights will be suspended until June 22 because CAAP requires additional training of their pilots.

MSE June 6, 2012

On June 27 MSE informed that all flights are cancelled from June 23 to July 6.

MSE June 27, 2012

Yesterday, on July 7, MSE pushed back the date when they will resume their flights. 
Newest date is now July 13.

MSE July 6, 2012

Who is to blame? MidSea-Express or CAAP?

We can’t know because we do not know what kind of information flows between the two. It seems that CAAP has tightened the requirements for commercial airlines with the goal to bring the Philippines back to Category 1 and off the black-list of the European Union.

Did the CAAP communicate all requirements at the beginning or are they adding one requirement after the other? If the first is true, then MSE should have known for how much time they will have to interrupt their flights. If the second is true, then it looks like a destroying mechanism with which CAAP wants kick out small airlines.

It would be interesting to know more. Maybe we get some more information next week. Meanwhile you have to take a ferry to visit Camiguin. This can also be fine, we sometimes spot dolphins and flying fishes from the ferry.

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3 Responses

  1. Tandag says:

    All Midsea Express flights are cancelled again!!! Supposed to resume on July 13, 2012

  2. Miming85 says:

    MSE will recommence operations on 17 Nov 2012 with a fleet of 9 Boeing 747 Jumbos operating around the world!!!

  3. waebi says:

    Hahaha! It’s always good to start Sunday with a nice joke!

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