More Milk for Camiguin Children

Camiguin Cow

“More Milk for Camiguin Children” has been announced by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), Camiguin branch. More children get daily supply of fresh milk here after a government subsidized dairy farm was established in 2013. Read also our article “Milky Island – Camiguin” from June 8, 2013.

MAMBAJAO, Camiguin, Jan. 19 (PIA) – More children get daily supply of fresh milk here after a government subsidized dairy farm was established in 2013.

Milk for Camiguin ChildrenIt started with 25 cows, and 19 of these animals are now on the milking line supplying at least 150 liters of milk a day.

All identified severely wasted children in the public schools around province, are now getting their daily share of fresh cow’s milk; the program runs for about 120 days and will continue to reach other children needing immediate nutrition intervention.

To date, some 252 school children have been served. The local government also extends regular milk distribution/feeding activities during public assemblies, events, and celebrations. Milk for Camiguin Children

Other than giving out the fresh daily produce to the needy, the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) also markets it to the public at P50/liter, while part of it was also fed to the calves. 

Local farmers are likewise tapped to the project by supplying the corn and forage needs of the herd. (JCV/PIA)


The “Milk for Camiguin Children” project started in June 2013 with 25 cows and now 19 of these animals are on the milking line. A cow usually gives milk during 305 days after the birth of the calve. Then starts the dry period. Usually 60 days after the birth of the calve, the cow is again on heath.

Above figures give 19 births during 2014, probably around April of May, maybe earlier if the 19 cows were already pregnant when the project started. Unfortunately PIA doesn’t publish any number of animals in their report.

All these 19 cows plus the remaining 6 should now again be pregnant or even just have given birth to their second calve. Last years new born cows should become fertile during 2016. The herd then should increase to 40+ fertile cows. In 2017 40+ cows should be in lactating state.

With a good resources management the “Milk for Camiguin Children” project should then be able to produce almost 300 liters of fresh milk per day. By this time the project should be autonomous and self-supporting.

Some ideas

Instead of selling the milk surplus only as fresh milk, more stable, longer lasting products should be addressed. Last year already Pedro’s restaurant sold fresh curd. If it came from the project’s cows is unknown. Produce curd and fresh cottage cheese is simple. These products last much longer than fresh milk and might enrich the menu plans of many families in Camiguin.

In a future step, with growing milk quantities, farmers could start to produce hard cheese like Emmental or Gruyère. Why not creating an exclusive label “Camiguin”?

Good continuation and good luck. More information about this project would interesting to read. We hope that PIA will publish figures about the flock and production.


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