Cheating taxi drivers

Many tourists get shocked about the taxi drivers in the Philippines – but not only tourists. Is there really no solution to get rid of all this cheating taxi drivers?

This is a mail we got from Fatima an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker):
I would like to share with you my experience regarding my first vacation to the Philippines. I was pregnant that time. When I arrived in NAIA-1, I waited for shuttle bus but I missed it out so then I planned to take a taxi since there is no time for me to take my second flight (domestic flight). The taxi driver had told me that no need to turn-on the meter and it was up to me how much would I gave to him. Because, I was so hurry that time, I took the taxi (yellow taxi) immediately without any argument and when we reached the domestic airport, I gave him PHP 300 but still he insisted to give him more as it’s not enough so then I gave additional PHP 200, a total of PHP 500 but still he’s asking and I told that, it was the last money in my pocket. This really makes me so frustrated every time I remember this and plan for my vacation. Most of kabayans in the Philippines did not think how much sufferings the OFW have here abroad.

Complaining at the LTFRB (the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board) seems to be no solution. If the LTFRB went seriously after the faulty drivers and their patrons, if the LTFRB fined them really heavily, then maybe one day,  you could take a taxi in the Philippines without being ripped.

Here you can complain: LTFRB Link

Read also our hints in our taxi page Link

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1 Response

  1. Great post! I’ve setup a website where people can post their story about cheating taxi drivers from the Philippines (Pasaway Drivers). Maybe we can exchange links to each others site?

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