Pasaway Driver! What do you think?

A few weeks ago, a reader of this blog sent us a link to his new website: Pasaway Driver! The initial idea isn’t bad. We all have encountered problems with cheating taxi-, jeepney and tricycle-drivers.
Cheating drivers are a problem for tourism in the Philippines. But where there is no control, the weeds grow.
The landing page of
Pasaway is an Ilonggo word that has found its way in the dialects and languages used all over the archipelago because of the media.
It basically means stubborn or hard-headed but it is also used to mean naughty, trouble-maker and anything akin to that.
The root word of pasaway is “saway” which means “(to) reprimand”. So when you say “pasaway” or “salawayon”, it means that the person is consistently doing stuff that will merit him a reprimand.
But “saway” is also a Visayan word which means “comment”. “Pasaway” means to “call for an attention” or “to call for a comment”.
On the one side we agree that it is necessary to get rid of cheating drivers. But on the other hand we can understand the drivers. They earn (without tips) about 250 to 350 pesos per day. The rest of the revenue goes to the owner of the cab. So, is it a good idea to blame the driver publicly?
And what happens with the collected information? The complaints might be used for blackmailing the drivers.
We are interested to read your opinion.
I agree, with your comment about the taxi drivers, who have quite a tough job to get their earnings.
The situation at the arrival area of the Centennial-Terminal (NAIA 2) is however beyond comprehension. There are some – which we guess illegal – hustlers who are giving themselves an official air and offer taxis at an exorbitant rate and try to prevent arriving passengers to avail of the official MIA Coupons Taxis. These Coupon Taxis are charging for a trip to Makati Pesos 330.– compared to Pesos 750.– which these peddlers claim!! The bad thing is, that the numerous security guards seem to tolerate this practise. It is sad to say, that this gives a very negative impression of the PI’s, especially for visitors who arrive here for the first time. – We were able to observe this situation last week while waiting for our friends.