Manila ranks 128th in world’s most livable cities

Manila ranks 128 out of 221 cities in the world in Mercer’s 2011 Quality of Living ranking highlights.
And Manila scored 173rd in personal safety, which is based on measures of internal stability, crime levels, law enforcement effectiveness and host country international relations.

The highest-ranking Asian cities are Singapore (25) and Tokyo (46). Hong Kong (70), Kuala Lumpur (76), Seoul (80) and Taipei (85) are other major Asian cities ranked in the top 100. Meanwhile, Dhaka, Bangladesh (204), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (206), and Dushanbe, Tajikistan (208), rank lowest in the region.

In general, the region has seen a greater focus on city planning. Nevertheless, many Asian cities rank at the bottom, mainly due to social instability, political turmoil, natural disasters such as typhoons and tsunamis, and lack of suitable infrastructure for expatriates.

Read the full reports here: Link
and here: Link

[Editor’s comment:] Manila, like other very big cities, has two faces. There are slums and neighborhoods where you absolutely must not go. But there are also many nice places where you feel good and are safe. It is up to you to be reasonable and careful.

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