New Arrival and Departure Cards

Philippines Arrival Card

The new Arrival and Departure cards of the Philippines Bureau of Immigration have been introduced yesterday, March 1, 2014.

The Arrival Card

Philippines Arrival Card
Arriving Filipinos no longer have to fill out the new immigration arrival cards while foreigners, including Philippine passport holders with existing immigrant status, will be required to fill out the new arrival cards.

See also our Manila Arrival Guide.


The Departure Card

Philippines Departure Card
All Filipino departing passengers are required to fill out the new Philippine immigration departure cards while foreigners and Philippine passport holders with immigrant status will no longer be required to fill out the departure cards.

See also our Manila Departure Guide.


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1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    i’ve leaved Manila on March 4 and what i can say is that the time you have to spend on the imigration is still the same.

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