News Ticker: We try to stay on-line

Washi / Sendong Shelter

We are living near the center of the forecast track of WASHI/Sendong on Camiguin Island. Although the Tropical Storm is not that strong, we risk to encounter brown-outs.
We have fully charged all batteries and our UPS, but if a brown-ou lasts for more than 3 hours, we won’t be able to maintain our news ticker.

Situation at 09:00 AM  

Temperature: 27.1°C
Humidity: 87%
Pressure: 1004 hPa
Wind: 0 km/h
Rain: some short, strong rains with long pauses
Sky: 100% overcast, no cloud structures, dark gray to the south, light gray to the north
Sea: Waves 0.6 m

Photo of this moment:

Washi / Sendong Shelter
Our workers seek temporary shelter from the downpour. 

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