Philippines Bubble Tourism – will the bubbles float or burst?

Philippines Bubble Tourism

Philippines Bubble Tourism – the magic word to revive the completely collapsed tourism. Already in October last year, on the onslaught of COVID-19 wave 2, some politicians pronounced the idea of  Bubble Tourism. The first bubble destination had been Boracay.

This isn’t a Philippine invention. Other Asian countries are also considering bubble tourism such as Thailand, Singapore, China, South Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.

What is Bubble Tourism?

Internationally travel bubbles refer to the arrangements between countries for travelers. So they can enter each other’s territories without the need for strict quarantines or at least very minimal periods of quarantines. Travel bubbles are also known as COVID corridors and travel bridges.
As the Philippines do not yet consider to open their borders for tourism, travel bubbles are agreements between regions or provinces. They can also belong to particular tourist spots.

Philippines Bubble Tourism - White Island Camiguin

Philippines Bubble Tourism – White Island Camiguin

Camiguin’s authorities have a bit different interpretation of bubbles. Two days ago, they had a dry run of the protocols if and when White Island will open for tourists. Camiguin’s bubbles on White Island consists in marked spaces in the white sand. Groups of tourists will be assigned to their bubble. They must not leave their bubble except for swimming, arrival and departure.

Philippines Bubble Tourism - Camiguin Bubbles

Philippines Bubble Tourism – Camiguin Bubbles

Permits and Restrictions

By today, March 1, 2021 the following rules apply for local and domestic tourism:

Travel regulations

Application of these regulations (The New Normal) may look like this for Camiguin’s White Island:

The New Normal

The New Normal

Before you plan your journey or your vacation you should get in contact with the office of the Department of Health (DOH) and/or Department of Tourism (DOT) of the region or province of your destination. Regulations still can change from one day to the other. You may also get the latest information from the municipal or provincial governments (LGU).

The big question: When?

Sorry, wo have first to remove the dust from our crystal bubble – uh – bowl. There are daily, even hourly announcements. But they may change while you are reading them. 

International tourism should not be expected before end of 2021. Some voices already talk about mid-2022. Domestic tourism has started to open under the bubble regulations. National government delegates the responsibility to the local government units (LGU). 

Here in Camiguin we hear whispers going from mid-March to July. But one new mutation of the virus can create new turmoil. 

Don’t loose your patience and your humor!

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Bubble Nightlife

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