Winter in Camiguin

Weather 2014-12-19 Featured

Winter in Camiguin has come! Every year there are about 8 weeks of grey and rather cold weather here in Camiguin. Winter!

The lousy weather usually starts begin December and lasts until end of January. During the last years, the 8 weeks shifted rather toward January and February. This year the humid winter season started around December 16. Theoretically this weather will last until February 16.

Friends were asking if there were a depression. No, the only depressions here are in the brains of some sensitive persons who cannot stand the grey clouds all day.

Rather high pressure

Weather 2014-12-19 Pressure

Today’s extremes were 1009 and 1013 hPa.

Temperature – it’s fresh

Weather 2014-12-19 Temperature 

Today’s extremes were 24.8 and 26.4 °C. I start to wear long sleeves and my nose starts to flow. 😐

Let’s hope …

We hope this winter won’t be as wet as in 2009. Remember …

Winter 2009/2010 Winter 2009/2010

Elsewhere in the Philippines

Light to moderate rains are expected in most parts of the country.
A tail-end of a cold front is affecting Eastern Visayas, while the northeast monsoon is affecting Northern Luzon.

A trough or extension of a weak low pressure ridge in the Pacific is affecting Southern Mindanao.
Bicol Region, Visayas and Mindanao will experience cloudy skies with light to moderate rain showers and thunderstorms. The regions of Cagayan Valley, Cordillera and Ilocos will have partly cloudy to at times cloudy skies with light rains.

Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon will be partly cloudy to cloudy with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms.
Moderate to strong winds blowing from the northeast will prevail over Luzon and Visayas and the coastal waters along these areas will be moderate to rough. Elsewhere, winds will be light to moderate coming from the northeast with slight to moderate seas.

Our weather pages: Weather at a Glance and Weather with satellite loops

Update 20/12/2014

Let the sunshine in! There is an interruption in the clouds supply chain 😀  We have wonderful warm and sunny weather today.


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