Good news from NAIA

NAIA-3 ISO9001 certified

NAIA, Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport, very often gets a bad press. But the guys at the airport try to do a good job. And sometimes they even are successful.

We arrived last Saturday at 10:30 PM in NAIA-1. The way from the gate to the central building had been the same but everything was very clean, even the windows.

And the WOW !!! The hall with the immigration counters had been completely overhauled. It is now a bright and very clean room. Pinoys and foreigners have now separate counters with enough separate waiting space. And not to forget: All immigration desks were occupied by staff. Although 2 large carriers arrived at the same time, this means some 500 passengers, there was zero waiting time. Cheers ! Applause

Next step, the luggage carousels. There also bright new painting, new trolleys, helpful staff and cleanliness made a very good impression  . Cheers again! Applause

And even the arrival lobby is now a pleasant place. It was the first time that we had the impression to be in a really international airport.

Sunday in NAIA-3 we learned that this terminal is now ISO 9001:2008 certified. This means that NAIA-3 has a working quality management and control system. Promising! Thump up

 NAIA-3 ISO9001 certified

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1 Response

  1. gary s says:

    thanks for the post..was looking at making trip to manila.. all of the travel blogs that i read say to stay away from terminal 1, I learned they were working on fixing it up, but have not found any updates until now.. thanks.. make my plans a little easier and flight shorter…

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