Tropical Storm MAWAR / AMBO moves off

Tropical Storm MAWAR / AMBO moves off the Philippines.

Sorry for these late news. Here in Camiguin we had neither electricity nor Internet access today. No, there had not been heavy weather. It’s been sunny.
There had been not so smart SMART boys who did play with the name server (DNS) in Manila and some CamElco Boys who hung in the coconut trees with their hot wires.

But now we have again both connections.
This is the Philippines – don’t get stressed, stress is dangerous.
It’s more fun in the Philippines.

And now the weather:

We had a sunny and windy day in Camiguin. The south-western sea had been a bit foamy. Habagat, the south-west monsoon is enhanced by Tropical Storm MAWAR / AMBO.
Traveling on a ferry had been  Sick

Fortunately storm MAWAR / AMBO is already moving off the coast of the Philippines.
Looking at the satellite images, this storm may still bring very heavy rains to Luzon.
Strong winds are not to be expected. 

Near real-time weather is here Link

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