CNN may contribute to Boracay’s Decline

Puka Shell Beach in Boracay

Boracay is overcrowded – this is a fact especially during the peak season. But there had always been an escape: Puka Shell Beach in the north of the island.

Puka Shell Beach in Boracay

This retreat is now menaced. CNN recently published a report: CNN’s top 100 list of beaches in the world. They write about Puka Shell Beach “Puka is the second-longest beach on Boracay Island and relatively empty most times, with no resorts and a limited number of restaurants.” 

But how long will this last  paradise on Boracay remain a paradise when millions of CNN viewers fly in?

Puka Shell Beach in Boracay

It is now up to the local government to protect this beach and its vegetation. This means: no more restaurants, no huts and trash bins that are emptied twice a day. This also means no motor vehicles and only one mooring point in the north where the existing restaurants can be found. 

Puka shells

Puka Shell: The shell of a cone snail is cone-shaped, and closed at the larger end. When the dead shell is rolled for a long time by the waves in the breaking surf and coral rubble, the narrow end of the shell breaks off or is gradually ground off, leaving only the more solid top of the shell intact.

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1 Response

  1. June 13, 2013

    […] 10 days ago we wrote: CNN may contribute to Boracay’s Decline.  There had always been an escape… […]

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