Kinabuhi – new Life for the Action Geckos

Kinabuhi - Life

The Camiguin Action Geckos have a new dive-boat. It’s name: Kinabuhi. Kinabuhi means Life in Visayan language. For those who know the “Geckos”, this name symbolizes the past, the present and the future. The past we can’t change. The present is so short, that it is already at when we think of it. Remains the future. Good luck, Geckos!

Last year, in December, tropical storm JANGMI / Seniang took their dive-boat and smashed it to pieces on our beach in Agoho, Camiguin. Fortunately the Philippine culture has an expression for what to do in such a situation: Bahala-na! “Bahala Na” translates literally as “leave it up to God (Bathala)” and it is used as an expression, almost universally, in Filipino culture. (see also here).

Kinabuhi – the Movie

[Editor’s comment:] I feel very honored having been with the Geckos this morning on the first dive trip with the brand-new “Kinabuhi”. The beach in Agoho, Camiguin is now, at the end of the Amihan season, at its smallest width of the year. We hadn’t to push the boat much on the sand to bring it to the sea.
The boat makes a really good speed with its two engines. Who said noisy? It took us less than 10 minutes to get to the western slope of white island. Just before we arrived at our destination, I could a glimpse on a sea-turtle who got its breath on the surface. What a welcome! 
A jump from the boat and down to the fishes. NOPE! The old guy with the red fins forgot his 8 kilograms (sic!) of lead ballast and popped up like a cork.

The 47 minutes “family-dive” with Kaisa, Arno, Romeo and me had been a pleasure. The water was 29°C warm and visibility had been fine. A slight underwater current moved us without any efforts along the slope. On our way we encountered turtles, frog-fishes of different color shades and several thousands of other fishes whose names I do knot know. 

Thanks to the Camiguin Action Geckos and big warm huge to Michèle, who could not be with us to celebrate this big moment.

From Camiguin with Love.




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