Typhoon “JELAWAT / Lawin” upgraded to SUPER TYPHOON !

Weather 2012-09-24 PAGASA

Typhoon  “JELAWAT / Lawin” has been upgraded to a Super-Typhoon Category 4.
“JELAWAT / Lawin” is still slowly moving North at 7 km/h.

The Japan Meteorological Agency warns of a very violent typhoon within the next 24 hours. Typhoon  “JELAWAT / Lawin” will be upgraded to a Super-Typhoon Category 5. 

24 hours forecast:
– Moving slowly North to North at 7 km/h
Central pressure is 915 hPa !!!
– Max. wind is 200 km/h near center
Gusts are 270 km/h

Weather 2012-09-24 PAGASA

Astonishing fact:
PAGASA has cancelled all storm warnings. They seem to be more optimistic than the Japanese JMA.

Weather 2012-09-24 JMA

Have a look at the erratic track the typhoon followed during the past days. Any future change of direction is very probable. And there is another tropical depression some 300 kilometers east of  JELAWAT / Lawin. This other LPA could influence the moving direction of JELAWAT / Lawin.

But PAGASA warns:

Estimated rainfall amount is from 10 – 20 mm per hour (heavy – intense) within the 700 km diameter of the Typhoon..

Southwest Monsoon enhanced by the Typhoon will continue to bring moderate to heavy rains in Visayas and Mindanao.

Fishing boats and other small seacrafts are advised not to venture out into the eastern seaboard of Southern Luzon, and the seaboards of Visayas and Mindanao due to big waves generated by Typhoon “JELAWAT / Lawin”.

Here is the wave map:

Weather 2012-09-24 WAVE Map

We keep an eye on this typhoon! Follow us here Link

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