Typhoon NOUL/Dodong now Cat.1

Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-07

Typhoon NOUL/Dodong has gained strength and has entered PAR. The cyclone has turned northwest and has increased forward speed to 15 – 19 km/h.

GDACS has issued a RED ALERTGlobal Disaster Alert and Coordination System a joint operation of the United Nations and the European Commission.

The central pressure of Typhoon NOUL/Dodong has decreased from 976 hPa to 963 hPa. Wind speeds have increased from 110 to 140 km/h near the center and gusts now can reach 175 km/h. Rainfall has decreased to 100 – 300 mm in 24 hours.

JMA predicts that the central pressure will go down to 935 hPa on Saturday. This means that the cyclone will be a Typhoon of Category 3 or 4 when it approaches Catanduanes and Caramoan.

NOUL/Dodong Track Change

Most of the weather agencies in South East Asia have modified their track forecast for Typhoon NOUL/Dodong. Yesterday almost all tracks headed toward the Batanes Group of Islands. Today’s track forecast shows the correction southwards.

Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-07

It could get rough for Catanduanes and Caramoan on Saturday afternoon or evening (May 9). The track change is due to a high pressure bridge over continental China. This high pressure areas of 1024 and 1032 hPa make pressure on the northern vector of Typhoon NOUL/Dodong.

Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-07

Above isobar map also shows already the next menace. There is a Tropical Depression (TD) building up behind Typhoon NOUL/Dodong. Unfortunately this TD has a rather good chance to develop also in a cyclone. We keep an eye on both of this whirling systems.

As usual we trust most in the JMA track forecast.

Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-07

NOUL/Dodong Storm data:

Name (INTL. / local): NOUL / Dodong
Class: Typhoon Category 1
Time/Date of observation: 05:00 AM on May 07, 2015
Location of Center: 10.5º North 134.3º East
Moving Direction and Speed: West-Northwest @ 15 km/h
Moving towards: Bicol Region
Distance from the Philippines: 955 km ENE of Surigao
Estimated Date / Time of Landfall: n/a
Max. Wind Speed near Center: 140 km/h
Peak Wind Gusts: 175 km/h
Minimum Central Pressure: 963 hPa
Diameter: 700 km
24h Rainfall near Center: 100 – 300 mm
Max. Wave Height: 9 – 12 m
Here you find how to read and understand this data 

 Nearly real-time storm information


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