Aicraft Crash in Camiguin – update no gossip

Gossip is awful! We experienced yesterday. Say what you saw! Anything more is gossip. Nobody on ground had really seen the aircraft coming down, but some people in Barangay Baylao experienced the impact. They had been lucky- The aircraft hit the ground only five meters from the next house and 20 meters from the next sari-sari store. But then people started to talk. They suddenly became important. The only real wittinesses are the survivors. 

Confirmed facts:
– Pilot (pilot non flying, instructor) died
– Pilot (pilot flying, trainee) in hospital in Cebu-City
– Passenger 1 (male, father of passenger 3) in hospital in Cebu-City
– Passenger 2 (female, mother of passenger 3) died
– Passenger 3 (son of 1 and 2, 3 years old) in hospital in Cebu-City

The 3 surviving passengers had been first brought to the hospital in Mambajao. The doctors and nurses gave them first aid and prepared them for transfer to a better equipped hospital in Cebu-City. We hope, they got and get appropriate treatment.

During last night and today all day, the wreck had been recovered.

Unfortunately during all day Monday, the Internet connections from Camiguin island had been extremely bad or interrupted. Had this been a g-action?

There is a big quantity of questions:
– What were the reasons of the accident? Pilot error or aircraft failure?
– The Pilot flying had been a trainee. Is a trainee allowed in the cockpit of a commercial flight?
– The registration of the aircraft RP-C209, serial number FAA 172S8995 is more than doubtful. To whom belongs this aircraft?
– Is the aircraft registered in the Philippines?
-There is a doubtful movie on Tripadvisor:
– What will CAAP do and what will be the consequences?
– And last but not least: What will happen to transportation from and to Camiguin?

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4 Responses

  1. JOlog says:

    To keep your tourist safe you should monitor those operator s flying your customers there. First they shouldnt fly like a tricycle operator …. A four seater plane means four persons only including the pilot a kid or adult ……. 2nd you couldnt find a taxi at the same time a driving school at the same car right? So its down right illegal …. Because of their greed theyre asking money frm the student for the training n flying a customer all in 1 flight for lucrative profit at the expense of the customers risk …… The easiest excuse they could cme up w this is pilot error …… The police who investigated the accident doesnt have an idea what his talking about .,…nhis nt a pilot ……

  2. Christopher Shaw says:

    some answers.
    – It would be pilot error and the wind. The aircraft is perfectly okay.
    – The Aircraft seems to be registered in the Philippines, it seems it was delivered from the US.
    – What’s the big deal with the clip, the Aircraft was delivered from the US, so they detached it part by part. The mechanics only put it all together, plus it cannot fly unless it has been flown by a check pilot.

    We find it annoying, that you blame everybody for your incompetence, for your misinformation you blame those gossip, when all there is to it is, that you believed only one side of the story, now for the internet connection to be disrupted, I always experience that but do I blame someone who sabotaged it? no. I see a lot of websites and blogs updated from camiguin, including this one, I don’t seems to find it corrupted.

    We are looking for both sides of the stories, CAAP’s side, the survivor’s side, the witnesses side, the company’s side, but it would be rude for other journalist to ask the survivors now, imagine their pain, their loss, the trauma, that’s probably why the interview is taking so long, and we can wait for a few more days or so.

    And I care because my wife and son got into a crash before, and when the interviewers asked my wife again and again, she never recovered, from the trauma, until now.

    • waebi says:

      @ Christopher:
      Did I blame somebody? I did ask questions. Incompetence? If you say so!
      You also write “you believed only one side of the story”. Hmmm, why did I ask questions?

      May i ask another question?
      Who are you? In parts of your comment you write “We…” And in other parts you write “I…”.

      You also wrote: “We are looking for both sides of the stories, CAAP’s side, the survivor’s side, the witnesses side, the company’s side”.
      So do I.

      And to finish:
      I fully agree with you that questioning the survivors now is awful. I once experienced it myself.
      But memories vanish and valuable details may be lost.


  3. Dodong says:

    is there any update on this crash investigation? has anyone file a case against somebody? did the norwegian leave the philippines already? many questions but where are the answers?

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