Dark night in NAIA-3

Last night terminal 3 of Manila’s airport, also known as NAIA-3 faced a full power cut. It hadn’t been a brown-out but a black-out.

At 00:30 (12:30 a.m. for Pinoys and associates)  the on-site powerhouse of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), which supplies electricity to the airport terminal, suddenly tripped. 

NAIA-3 went very dark!

It took the back-up generators almost 30 minutes to re-energize the essential components such as lighting, gate-bridges, security scanners, baggage conveyors and check-in computers.

Cebu Pacific flight 5J190 bound for Inchon, South Korea was delayed for one hour.
Normal power was restored in the entire terminal by 05:00 (5 a.m.) 

[Editor’s comment]: 30 minutes for having the auxiliary generators run? Usual are 30 seconds. Fortunately Pinoy lighters have an inbuilt lamp. Imagine everybody would have lighted a candle. And Category 1 is far, very far away. Vava 

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