Super Typhoon NOUL/Dodong Cat.5 now

Super Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-10

Super Typhoon Typhoon NOUL/Dodong has gained extreme strength. Central pressure fell down to 918 hPa and wind speed near the center is up to 240 km/h. Gusts are almost 300 km/h. This is a catastrophic Super Typhoon Category 5.

The cyclone’s eyewall has begun to affect areas on the north-eastern shorelines, where very strong winds and heavy rains occurring. The Potential Landfall Area of the eye and its eyewall will be somewhere along the eastern and northern tip of Northern Cagayan late this afternoon or evening. Strike Probability is now 90 to 100%.


The Doppler Radars

The picture below shows the results of the Doppler Radar SRtations in Aparri and Baler. Unfortunately the radars are out of synchronization. You may observe them on Project NOAH.

Super Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-10 The yellow line shows the track forecaast for the next hours.

Satellite Observation

The real horror jumps out of the animated satellite images.

Super Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-10The animated satellite image loops are here.

In 2 hours 30 night will fall just at the time the typhoon will make landfall in the extreme north-east of Luzon. Imagine all those people up there. No light and extreme rains and winds. We hope they did follow the warnings and found shelter.

NOUL/Dodong Track Forecast

Super Typhoon NOUL/Dodong 2015-05-10

NOUL/Dodong Storm data:

Name (INTL. / local): NOUL / Dodong
Class: Super Typhoon Category 5
Time/Date of observation: 03:00 PM on May 10, 2015
Location of Center: 17.5º North 122.9º East
Moving Direction and Speed: North-Northwest@ 15 km/h
Moving towards: Palaui Island, Santa Ana
Distance from the Philippines: 60 km ENE of Ilagan
Estimated Date / Time of Landfall: around 6:00 p.m.
Max. Wind Speed near Center: 240 km/h
Peak Wind Gusts: 300 km/h
Minimum Central Pressure: 918 hPa
Diameter: 600 km
24h Rainfall near Center: 100 – 400 mm
Max. Wave Height: 9 – 12 m
Here you find how to read and understand this data 


Nearly real-time storm information

Next update at landfall time

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1 Response

  1. waebi says:

    Super Typhoon Typhoon NOUL/Dodong has made landfall in Santa Ana around 5:17 p.m.

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