Tagged: typhoon

White Island - Camiguin 0

No Christmas – Typhoon

The low pressure area that follows the track of typhoon BOPHA/Pablo is fortunately not developing. During the first days, it had the potential of organizing around a center, but satellite images show, that there...

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo – the final movie 0

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo – the final movie

We track the weather 7/24. If there is a dangerous situation, we inform our readers. One of our information sources is the Infrared (IR) satellite image. We get this images every hour around H+15...

BOPHA/Pablo 08-12-2012 0

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo approaches Northern Luzon

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo is approaching northern Luzon. A final track cannot yet be seen. There are still too many parameters open for the final track. The typhoon might turn westwards still off-shore, but it might...

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Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo – the Movie

We track the weather 7/24. if there is a dangerous situation, we inform our readers. One of our information sources is the Infrared (IR) satellite image. We get this images every hour around H+15...

BOPHA/Pablo 08-12-2012 0

Returning Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo is Category 3 now!

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo again got stronger and is now a Typhoon Category 3. It is still hovering over the West Philippine Sea but has now turned north to north-east. The storm moves at 13 km/h. As...

Bopha/Pablo 07-12-2012 0

Oh no, Cyclone BOPHA/Pablo seems to come back

Cyclone BOPHA/Pablo is now a Severe Tropical Storm out in de West Philippine Sea. It has wind speeds of 95 to 120 km/h. This morning at 6 AM the storm was mowing at 11 km/h in...

Bopha/Pablo in Camiguin 0

Typhoon BOPHA / Pablo – the roundup

Typhoon BOPHA/Pablo is now leaving the Philippines islands. It will still be within PAR until midnight or early tomorrow morning but won’t encounter any other of the republics islands. The sea yesterday at noon-time...

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