Tropical Storm BAVI plays tricks

Tropical Storm Bavi

Tropical Storm BAVI plays tricks with observers and forecasters. The storm slowed down its forward speed to 25 km/h. The track direction varies between west and northwest.

Yesterday afternoon Tropical Storm BAVI looked like a menacing compact bowl east of northern Luzon.

Tropical Storm Bavi
This morning the bowl had almost vanished and the center of the storm was barely distinguishable.

Tropical Storm Bavi

The past track of the storm shows its vulnerability to influences from other pressure systems over China and Japan. South of Asian main continent lows and highs are chasing. Tropical Storm BAVI is being moved north and south like a badminton shuttlecock.

WARNING: Missing infrared visibility of clouds doesn’t mean that the storm has vanished. It is still there and wind speeds of 75 km/h can still be dangerous.

Tropical Storm Bavi

Storm data:

Name (INTL. / local): BAVI
Class: Tropical Storm
Time/Date of observation: 5:00 a.m. on March 17, 2015
Location of Center: 14.0º North 139.1º East
Moving Direction and Speed: West @ 25 km/h
Moving towards: Northern Philippines
Distance from the Philippines: 1,745 km of Daet
Estimated Date / Time of Landfall: n/a
Max. Wind Speed near Center: 75 km/h
Peak Wind Gusts: 95 km/h
Minimum Central Pressure: 996 hPa
Diameter: 510 km
24h Rainfall near Center: 50 to 220 mm
Max. Wave Height: n/a
Here you find how to read and understand this data 

 Current weather is here 

We keep an eye on this storm. Next update as soon as we get new data.


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