Category: Economy

Balikbayan Box 3

Balikbayan Boxes News

Balikbayan Boxes are unique in the world. With Balikbayan Boxes relatives abroad can send goods, gifts and almost anything to the Philippines. Not only Filipinos appreciate this service, many expatriates are hauling their whole belongings from overseas...

flood 0

HAGUPIT/Ruby is weakening, but

HAGUPIT/Ruby is weakening, but this makes the problem somehow worse. This slow storm unloads billions of tons of water over the Visayas and Bicol. This water is worse than the wind.  A well built...

Little Bridges and Casa Roca 1

A lesson of cooperation

A lesson of cooperation is taught in Camiguin. Two restaurants with two different owners cooperate instead of competing. That could be a good lesson for local business owners. It is really funny to see...

Rice farmer or Photographer 0

Rice Farmer or Photographer?

Rice Farmer or Photographer – who lives better? Last night I had an Internet chat with Arno Enzo, a well known photographer, diver and underwater photographer. Arno wants to publish his outstanding pictures as...

e-StartUp – educate, evolve, emerge 0

e-startUP – educate, evolve, emerge

e-startUP – educate, evolve, emerge is an idea, is a project, is a path! Jürg Wyss, the initiator and founder has a vision – the #wyssion.  The e-startUP idea Jürg had traveled around the world as...

Made in China 0

DANGER ! Made in China

DANGER! When “Made in China” meets “Philippines Electricity” then life can become really dangerous. Last night we made such a burning experience. I thank Butch for saving our lives and our house. Everybody knows and uses...

Philippines Bureau of Immigration 0

Immigration has a new website

The Philippines Bureau of Immigration has a new website. We just got a tricky visa question out of Africa. So we had a look at the Bureau of Immigration. And WOW – they have a...

Honeypot 1

Honeypot for Spammers

Last week I wrote about Chinese spammers and hackers. After the first shock I decided to install a Honeypot for Spammers. It worked wonderfully. The definition of a Honeypot “A server that is configured to...

Himawari-8 0

Philippines Weather News

Philippines Weather News – The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has successfully launched Himawari-8. The new weather satellite is in orbit since October 7, 2014. JMA also has modified their 3 hourly isobar maps. We have updated...

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